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Meet Plant Based Neighbors: A Free Program With PCRM

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Watch the BHC Group Interact at a potluck gathering.

Join a BHC group so you can socialize with others, in your area who eat a whole food, plant based diet.

There are a few ways to find people in your area.

Today I will discuss Building Healthy Communities, A Physicians Committee Action Network

What Is The Building Healthy Communities Program?

It’s genesis is with The PlantPure Pod Program which emerged out of the 2015 film (Tom Campbell, son of “The China Study” author, T. Colin Campbell) Plant Pure Nation – with the goal of creating and supporting a grassroots movement by empowering a network of independent local groups and people to promote the benefits of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. The Pods are were originally under the umbrella of the nonprofit PlantPure Communities.

In 2024, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine announced it’s inclusion with the pod network and changed the name to Building Healthy Communities.

To date, over 70,000 people have signed up to participate and there are nearly 700 groups across the globe involved in the BHC group Program.

Participation is free, and offers support and networking opportunities to everyone interested in learning, incorporating, advocating and practicing a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.

What is The Purpose of The Building Healthy Communities Program?

Independent groups of like-minded people can join BHC groups to work together to spread the message of plant-based nutrition in their communities, as well as have fun and build friendships.

BHC members will educate people on the connections of a plant-based lifestyle to our health, the environment, farming, animal welfare, and food and health inequities.

The BHC groups purpose is not to compete with existing organizations but to enable people and organizations that have worked separately in the past to come together around the unifying idea of plant-based nutrition.

Your diet is not only what you eat, but the people with whom you associate.

BHC group will use the Plant Pure Nation Film – Free on YouTube  community-building online tools and events, and other resources in their outreach efforts until PCRM transitions them over to their website.

Learn more about what BHC groups do.

Consider checking out Find A Local BHC group.

Just enter your zip code and you could be joining others in your area for things like whole food, plant based pot luck dinners, outings, guest speakers, movies and more!

Being a part of a BHC group gives you lots of positive external feedback. 

When you are part of the group, you get great feelings thats you are on the right track and doing very positive things. When you are a member of the group it is very nice to share the same values about who it is that you are in your commitment to eating healthfully. Your identity as living healthfully is shared by everyone around you. This is how we get good esteem signals. It is a great feeling when you get positive feedback from others. Just the fact that you are there is a sign of your commitment. Getting respect from other people, because you’re surrounded by it, is a great feeling.

WFPB, nice folks at a Potluck Dinner

Even when you travel, you can join other people who are holding pot lucks, etc.

If there are no BHC groups in your area, consider

1. Creating a BHC group.

It is a free service and you get your BHC group listed on the PCRM internet based registry.

2. Can’t find a BHC group, check out other ways for you to socialize with others in your area who eat a whole food, plant based diet.

Are you a member of a Whole Food, Plant Based social group in your area?

If so, what is one of your best experiences with the group?

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Hi I’m Amy. My husband Rick & I adopted a Whole Plant lifestyle in 2012. We have had fantastic health results. Together, we’ve lost over 130 pounds! We offer private, lifestyle coaching and Zoom cooking lessons. We love to share our knowledge of this lifestyle and hope to spread the word and help others to Be Strong, Be Well and Be Green!🌱

The contents of this video/website are for informational purposes only. Information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult your health care provider if you have any health related concerns or questions.

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