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Dr. Michael Gregor’s Daily Dozen and Unique Spice Consumption Method Revealed!

Greenings, Green Warrior! I recently stumbled upon an intriguing interview featuring none other than the renowned Dr. Michael Gregor, of, where he unveiled his latest approach to integrating essential spices into his daily routine. As many of you may already know, Dr. Gregor is the brains behind the “daily dozen,” a comprehensive checklist of foods to incorporate into your diet each day for optimal health. But this time, he’s taken it a step further by revolutionizing how he consumes his recommended spices: turmeric powder, long pepper powder, black cumin powder, and amla powder.

Some individuals may find the taste of these spices to be overpowering or unpleasant, making it challenging to incorporate them into their daily routine. Dr. Gregor’s method provides a practical solution for those who have been searching for a more palatable way to reap the benefits of these potent ingredients.

Moreover, Dr. Gregor’s frequent travels make it essential for him to have a convenient method for consuming his essential spices on the go.

So, what’s the buzz all about? Well, it turns out that Dr. Gregor has devised a clever method to ensure he gets his daily dose of spices efficiently. Imagine combining the goodness of turmeric powder, long pepper powder, black cumin powder, and amla powder into a convenient, easy-to-ingest form. Sounds too good to be true, right?

Here’s the lowdown on Dr. Gregor’s spice consumption technique: he starts by mixing equal parts of turmeric powder, long pepper powder, black cumin powder, and amla powder in a large mixing bowl. Picture a colorful symphony of potent spices coming together to create a powerhouse blend of flavor and health benefits.

But here’s where things get really interesting. Instead of the traditional method of sprinkling these spices onto food or what he used to do, place them into capsules, Dr. Gregor takes it up a notch by wrapping them in a special one-ingredient potato film pouch. Yes, you heard that right – a potato film pouch! This innovative approach not only ensures easy consumption but also offers a soft, compressible texture that makes swallowing a breeze.

Here’s a quick rundown of Dr. Gregor’s spice consumption ritual: he measures out a teaspoonful of the combined spice blend, wraps it snugly in a potato film sheet, and voila – it’s ready to be ingested! And to ensure smooth swallowing, he follows it up with a refreshing glass of water to wash it down.

Now, you might be wondering – why potato film? Well, according to Dr. Gregor, this unique wrapping material offers the perfect balance of softness and malleability, ensuring that the spices are delivered seamlessly into the system. Each sheet holds multiples more than any capsule size, while being easier to use and swallow and they are just 10 microns thick!

By wrapping them in a special, edible, micro-thin pouch, Dr. Gregor said he ensures that he can maintain his health regimen even when away from home, making it a practical solution for busy lifestyles.

Dr. Gregor’s latest Book – How Not to Age

So, there you have it, folks – Dr. Michael Gregor’s ingenious method for incorporating essential spices into his daily routine. It’s a simple yet effective strategy that underscores the importance of getting creative when it comes to optimizing your health.

Have you ever tried incorporating turmeric powder, long pepper powder, black cumin powder, and amla powder into your daily routine? Tell me in the comments.

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Hi I’m Amy. My husband Rick & I adopted a Whole Plant lifestyle in 2012. We have had fantastic health results. Together, we’ve lost over 130 pounds! We offer private, lifestyle coaching and Zoom cooking lessons. We love to share our knowledge of this lifestyle and hope to spread the word and help others to Be Strong, Be Well and Be Green!🌱

The contents of this video/website are for informational purposes only. Information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult your health care provider if you have any health related concerns or questions.

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As always, remember to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or supplementation regimen. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep thriving on your plant-based journey, Green Warriors!

Until next time, keep spicing things up and embracing the power of whole foods for a healthier, happier you! Be Strong, Be Well and Be Green!🌱

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