Desserts, Need to know

Conquer Cravings: Chocolate

Chocolate nice cream ice creamChocolate Cupcake

This lifestyle can seem restrictive. Getting over certain food cravings and / or addictions can be a challenge.

It seems people miss things like cheese, chocolate, crunchy things, salty things, flour things, ice cream, coffee, sugar, creamer, milk etc. Just the mention of the food item, a thought or a picture of it, can set off consuming thoughts and longing.

This is for those who are not lucky enough to be able to make up their minds and swear these foods off forever. Although it is best to taper off these foods as they are calorie dense, harmful to your health, make one eat more calories and do not help heal the addicted brain, here is some help for those in transition.

My next few blogs will provide you with the tools to deal with these cravings. Today I will help you deal with Chocolate.

For some, the only way to combat cravings is abstinence. If you are not ready to quit chocolate for good, here are some of the healthy ideas which I share with my clients.

Check out the recipe page for great tasting recipes for chocolate candy, drinks, ice cream and even Healthy Chocolate Cake! Check out my ChocolateYouTubeVideo

Remember, if you make green smoothies, you can always add cocoa powder to make a delicious and healthy chocolate shake.

How do you combat chocolate cravings?

Read more about this in my blog Making Deals With Cheat Meals.

I have helped many people recover from going off the wagon. If you would like help to prevent yourself from going off the wagon and learn other ways to navigate this lifestyle, please contact me for a coaching session. I have learned many strategies, tips and hacks while coaching people since 2012. I would love to help you be successful as well.

Please subscribe so I know you would like me to share more helpful hints.

Check out my blogs below on conquering cravings:

Conquer Cravings:  Sweets

Conquer Cravings: Coffee

Conquer Cravings: Ice Cream

Conquer Cravings: Cheese

Conquer Cravings: Baked Goods

It is not your fault that you are craving highly palatable foods. Here are some of the tips which I share with my clients on what to do if you Fell Off The Wagon? Ouch….

Your taste buds have been hijacked by the food industry.

This book is a great resource to help you understand why Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

What strategies do / did you use to resist temptation?

Please click FOLLOW so that I can send you more helpful hints, inspiration and recipes.

Check out my BeGreenWithAmy YouTube Channel for lots of whole food, plant based hacks, recipes and more.

If you would like to help support my blog, consider shopping on my Amazon Store for Whole Food, Plant Based kitchen gadgets, books, food, home delivered food and more!

If you would like to donate to help me with the costs of maintaining this website, recipe development, social media publicity and more, please donate here

Be Strong, Be Well and Be Green!🌱 

Amy holds a Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell
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Hi I’m Amy. My husband Rick & I adopted a Whole Plant lifestyle in 2012. We have had fantastic health results. Together, we’ve lost over 130 pounds! We offer private, lifestyle coaching and Zoom cooking lessons. We love to share our knowledge of this lifestyle and hope to spread the word and help others to Be Strong, Be Well and Be Green!🌱

The contents of this video/website are for informational purposes only. Information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult your health care provider if you have any health related concerns or questions.

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